


School of Environmental

     and Vocational Arts

                 607-538 -1130


*Fees for room and board per night:

~ Double–$80 ~ Single–$90
Dorm–$65 ~ Commuter–$35
Meal ticket–$15 (lunch or dinner)

    For more information and/or to register, contact Esther Tzoumas at unless noted otherwise.

    Or complete this form and send it to

SEVA Programs, 365 Seva Lane,
S. Kortright, NY 13842


    If you still have questions about a class, please call Seva at 607-538-1130. Leave a message and someone will return your call. We are always adding classes, and our schedule occasionally changes.

NAME ________________________________________________

E-MAIL _______________________________________________

PHONE _______________________________________________

ALT. PHONE____________________________________________

ADDRESS (STREET) ______________________________________________________

CITY ________________________ STATE ________ZIP _________

NAME & DATE OF PROGRAM_____________________________________________

AMOUNT ENCLOSED (check or money order) $_______________

Please copy this form into a word processor to fill out & print.